Monday, September 11, 2006

More signs that new police attack is imminent: national protest tour kicks off


An unmarked Ministry of Defense car cruised around Daechuri Friday afternoon. Shorty after, helicopters did several low fly-overs above the town. In the past, surveilance visits by the Ministry of Defence have been followed two or three days later by a police attack on the town. This time, the helicopters and the oficials in the car were probably gathing information to decide which houses to destroy next week.
The "empty houses" targetted for destruction have been cleaned, renovated, and reclaimed by residents and supporters. They've been converted into housing, a broadcast center, a community restaurant (where I've been helping out), the Tea House (a symbolically very important gathering spot in the center of town), an art museum, and offices for the residents committees to work in. The Defense Ministry could be planning to destroy any or all of these in the upcoming attack on the villages.
Also on Friday the 8th, a series of protests around Korea kicked off in Seoul and at nearby US military bases. Some residents will continue on until the national march in Seoul on September 24. Others joined the protests for the first few days and will now return to the village before the police arrive this week. Some supporters have also begun to arrive, to help defend the villages against the demolition.


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